EMR Medical Billing and Coding Software
Since the medical billing features needed by medical practices vary greatly, our EMR
solution contains versatile set of billing features. Whether your practice or groups of practices need to bill
primarily to Medicaid and medicate, or a commercial billing processor, ElectronicMedicalRecords.com can help
you manage your billing process.
Our clients have found that by efficiently managing their billing cycle, they can increase
their payment rates and decrease the turnaround times. ElectronicMedicalRecords.com provides the tools that
your practice needs to ensure that your medical billing process is run well. Our service can help you submit
claims to the various payers, report on unpaid claims, manage insurance tracer letters, automatically send and
receive explanations of benefits, and all of the other tasks associated with managing a well-run medical
billing process.
If you have more questions about the medical billing features available,
please contact our sales team.